Pastoral Care

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Arrange a Visit: If you are ill, in need of comfort, or simply want to learn more about our little church, please contact us. We’ll work to arrange a time and place where you can receive information, support and prayer as needed.

Communion: All Christians are welcome at our communion table. If you are unable to come to us, however, we can come to you. Please contact us to arrange a time and place where you can receive the gift of our Lord and savior.

In the Hospital: During times of crisis, our little church wants to support you with whatever is needed. From pastoral visits to your hospital room to prayer, meals and support for you and your family after you’ve returned home, we are only a phone call away. Contact our Pastor directly at his office (269) 427-5369 or his cell (269) 906-0674 anytime, day or night.

Counseling: Sometimes the care we need isn’t physical. Relationship issues, substance abuse, and grief/loss are all challenges life sometimes gives us; our church family works to provide love, prayers and support to you during times of trouble. Pastor Dave is an experienced counselor who brings loving expertise and spiritual guidance to people in need. Contact us to reach out and connect.


Operation Christmas Child Club

Operation Christmas Child Club: Each year, our little church collects donations of toys, clothes and necessities to be shared with children all around the world for whom Christmas might be just another day. By sharing our gifts, we bring the light of God’s love into their lives, and help them meet a variety of needs.Donations are collected from a variety of sources all year long.

During the Bangor Apple Festival, our church opens its doors to the entire community, sponsoring a Saturday morning pancake breakfast to earn the funds we need to mail our donations.

Our church’s youngsters take part in the Operation Christmas Child Club during October and November. They meet on Sundays from 5:00–6:30 p.m., where they explore Christian service and make crafts that are included in each package.

One magical evening in mid-November (date TBD), our entire church family comes together to package gifts. This past year, we sent nearly 100 boxes filled with our gifts and prayers for each special child.

Vacation Bible School: Each summer we host Vacation Bible School, which is open to all elementary-aged children in our community. To support family work schedules, we host our VBS in the evenings or over a long weekend. Our lessons are age-appropriate, thematic, and fun for all!


Adult Christian Education

Adult bible study

Sunday School Adult Class: Adults interested in Bible study, enriching discussion and personal growth meet every Sunday from September to May. We use study guides, which are discussed for six to eight weeks or until the books are completed. Adults meet for a classroom greeting at 9:45 a.m., then head to their classroom at 10:00 a.m. No sign-up is needed; please join us!

Ladies At-Home Study Group: Adult women come together every other Monday evening from 6:30–8:00 p.m. for a cozy, informal Bible study and conversation. It’s a great way to get to know other women in our community and deepen your Christian faith. Contact us for information about our schedule!

In-Depth Bible Exploration: Adult community members interested in more intensive Bible study meet each Tuesday morning from 10:00–11:30 a.m. for guided discussion. Guided discussion of Scriptures, coupled with rich study guides and resources, lead to a stronger understanding of our Christian faith. Note: classes do not meet when snowbirds have flown south.



Handbell Choirs

Bangor’s First Congregational Church is known for its outstanding handbell program. We have 5 octaves of beautiful Schulmerich handbells, which have been rung continuously by talented parishioners for nearly four decades. Musical knowledge is not needed to join our bell choirs—all you need to be able to do is count. Our practices are characterized by laughter and focused on periodic Sunday morning performances. Contact us to learn more or sign up!

Spirit Ringers: Our adult choir, the Spirit Ringers, is comprised of talented individuals from our church and community who enjoy ringing bells. We practice on Thursday evenings from 7:00–8:00 p.m. and perform in church on various Sundays throughout the year. We rotate this practice during the school year.

Grace Notes: The Grace Notes are a four-in-hand quartet that has rung together for several years. They practice during October and May, ringing once during worship services in each month.

Instruments & Vocals

Our little church has been blessed with talented members who share their gifts every Sunday. We enjoy organ and piano music each Sunday, along with inspiring instrumental and vocal performances that add to the worship experience.



Coffee Hours: Every Sunday throughout the entire year, we celebrate fellowship after church with snacks, coffee and punch as we get to know new friends, catch up on church and community news, and enjoy each other’s company.

Girlfriends Unlimited: Girlfriends Unlimited is a blossoming community of women from all walks of life. Each woman has their own story and struggles, but we all have one thing in common…we are loved by Jesus. We love and support one another while serving Christ’s Kingdom. Plus, we know how to have a good time. We would love nothing more than to get to know you! Women from our church and community enjoy meeting together in the evenings. We enjoy making crafts, studying herbs, arranging flowers, and celebrating “spa nights” and more.

Book Club: If you enjoy reading, this is the opportunity for you! Our book club meets every other month to discuss a selected novel, share ideas, and enjoy each other’s company. Contact us to find out what’s next!

Mayflower Guild: This Women’s Club is the oldest of our continuing church guilds. It is designed to provide services to the church as a whole, working together to create food and serve luncheons after funerals and other special events, tend to the needs of our parish families, and help out financially wherever needed. Meeting times and dates are announced as needed. contact us to learn more and sign up.

Communication + Organization


Church Newsletter: Our little church publishes a four-page newsletter that is mailed monthly from September to May. Currently, we mail over 100 newsletters to everyone in our church family, as well as those who attend any of our programs/events. We are hoping to increase the mailings as we grow; if you are interested in keeping abreast of church and community news, contact us to add your name to our mailing list.

Church Council: Our church is governed by an independent five-member council. Council members are elected by the full congregation to serve either a two- or three-year term. Once seated, they meet on the third Thursday of each month to provide support for our pastor and manage financial, operational and building decisions.

The council is accountable to the entire congregation. On the third Sunday of every January, they report to church members on their activities, results, and future needs. At that time, members of the congregation have opportunities to raise critical issues and concerns.

The council welcomes attendance at its monthly meetings, as well. Meetings are the third Thursday at either 7:00pm or 8:00pm in our Fellowship Hall, depending on handbell practice schedule.

Gatherings + Celebrations


As one of Bangor’s most distinctive, historic, and centrally-located landmarks, the First Congregational Church is ideally situated for special events and large gatherings.

Infant Dedications: Our church welcomes people of all ages into the Christian church through the sacrament of dedication. Infant Dedication is the practice in which parents thank God for His gift of a child, make a commitment to staror her life to the Lord’s service.

There is no cost for dedications in our church, and they can take place at any time during the church year. While all who dedicate their children here are encouraged to continue in our faith community, it is not a prerequisite that they do so. Email us to contact us for a discussion of the meaning and importance of the dedication, and to schedule the appropriate date and time.

Weddings and Unions: The sacrament of marriage, or a holy union, is a covenant between a man and a woman entered into before God.  It is a lifelong commitment by two people to love, honor and cherish one another through life in faithfulness and true godliness.

In our historic building, weddings are lovely, meaningful events. Our musical talent—including handbell choirs—are available to add uniqueness and joy to your celebration. Our large Fellowship Hall with a full kitchen and adequate parking can be available for your rehearsal dinner and/or reception.

Persons desiring to marry or have their civil marriage blessed should email us to set a date and meet with our pastor. We are willing to work in partnership with whomever you wish to involve in your special day, and will do all we can to make planning a loving, memorable experience.

Funerals: A funeral marks the end of a person’s life here on earth. Family and friends come together to share their grief, give thanks for the life lived and commend the deceased into God’s keeping. Your ceremony may be small and quiet or large and exuberant, depending on the wishes of your family.

Our church seeks to support you in whatever way is most suitable. We’ll work with you on very short notice to determine whether you'll want a funeral or a burial:

Funeral: During a funeral service, a casket or urn is present, and the funeral home will contact the church to make arrangements for the service. A loved one’s remains are not necessary for a memorial service, though sometimes an urn is present.  The service may be scheduled shortly after death or at the convenience of the family.

Burial: If you wish a member of the clergy to lead a burial service at the graveside, please schedule this in advance. We are pleased to support you and your loved ones with whatever choices you make.

Meeting Space: Our Fellowship Hall has a capacity of 120, making it just right for your large or small group meeting. We have ample kitchen facilities, handicap-accessible rest rooms and entrances, and tables, chairs, dishes and linens to help make your gathering everything you wish it to be.

We offer our space to the entire community for rental as needed. Please contact us to discuss rates and services required.