About Us:

Congregational churches are uniquely open, welcoming and independent.

Our tradition is as old as the Mayflower, and is grounded in the principle that each and every one of us has a unique relationship with the Lord.

We believe in the Bible as the central source and light of our faith, and seek to understand it better through study, contemplation and prayer.

Our Mission

Our mission is to glorify God by providing a place where people of all ages and circumstances will find a safe, loving environment in which to worship, learn and grow in fellowship with Jesus Christ.

Our Vision:

Our vision is to be a faith community celebrating God’s grace by learning, living and loving in Christ’s name.

Our Banner:

“Come walk with us as we walk with Jesus.”



Sundays (September -May):

10:00: Sunday School (adults + children)
11:00:  Worship for everyone
After service: Coffee Hour for everyone

Sundays (June - August):
10:30:  Worship for everyone
After service: Coffee Hour for everyone

Children are always welcome to attend church with their families and friends. They may choose to be dismissed prior to the sermon for additional play and learning in a supervised setting.

For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.
— Matthew 18:20


Our History

The year was 1882. Just before Christmas, seven people met in the parlors of the Sebring House in Bangor to organize a Congregational Society. A call was extended to Rev. Albert Cochran to become pastor. He accepted and preached his first service on January 7, 1883 at McMillan’s Hall in Bangor.

The 14 people who originally signed the Articles of Association of the First Congregational Church of Bangor met on January 24, 1883 to ballot for the officers of the church and to report the first Constitution, Articles of Faith, and Covenant. Just two years later, the 26-member congregation agreed to build their church home on a new purchased lot, formerly known as the Bates Property. 

Our forebears first met in their new sanctuary for regular services on February 6, 1886. By 1925, 143 church members were gathering under the high steeple for worship each Sunday. Today, that same historic steeple still reaches toward Heaven—our “Rock at Four Corners” in the heart of Bangor.


Our Faith

Congregational churches are uniquely open, welcoming and independent. Our tradition is as old as the Mayflower, and is grounded in the principle that each and every one of us has a unique relationship with the Lord. We believe in the Bible as the central source and light of our faith, and seek to understand it better through study, contemplation and prayer. 

Our communion is open to all followers of Christ. We love new ideas and expressions of faith, and we are eager to learn from and contribute to the spiritual lives of our fellow believers.

Our congregation governs itself through a democratically elected board, which is accountable to each and every member of our church. Unlike other faith traditions, we are independent of any higher ecclesiastical council—we believe Christ Himself is the only person to whom we are truly accountable. We recognize the equal rights of all believers, the independence and autonomy of our local church, and the full tolerance of different points of view.

The highest authority in our church is the meeting of our members under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Our time together is at the heart of congregational life—it is where we come together to prayerfully discern where God is leading us.


Our Pastor

Pastor David Markel began his ministry at First Congregational Church in December 1999. During his 15+ years as spiritual leader of our flock, he has carefully tended not only to the needs of each parishioner, but also to the physical and technology needs of our historic church.

Pastor David works tirelessly to provide prayer, support and care to each and every member of our church family. From hospital visits to thoughtful teaching and wise spiritual counsel, he is a constant source of support to everyone in our church family.

Originally from Waldron, MI, Pastor David graduated from Marion College (now Indiana Wesleyan University) with a degree in Christian Ministries. He and his wife, Betty, have four grown children, two daughters-in-law, and six grandchildren.